Rugby Coaching Blog | Professional Rugby Advice & Coaching

Three thoughts for your next rugby session by David Clarke

The rugby world never sleeps. There is always some rugby being practised or played every day of the year.

I am in the UK, so we are counting down to the start of the season. It seems strange since the Lions have only just got back, the Tri Nations is in full flow, as well as Currie Cups and other competitions around the world.

Last week I was on the road a lot, hence no blogs, and I managed to interview some very interesting people. Their thoughts will be coming out soon, but what struck was the clarity of their vision. Simple ideas, constructive sessions and player focused.

Here are a couple of thoughts for those counting down to the season, or those looking for something a little different:
1. If there is one skill you could improve now, what would it be?
Think about the detail of that skill, think how you might want to improve it. In exercising that skill and putting it into game situations, the players will benefit from a detailed approach AND all the complementary skills that go with it. Handling needs footwork, balance and decision making. Tackling needs footwork, balance and decision making. A handling drill needs tackling to make it real. And so you are working on the detail, the game and the core skills.
2. How well do you know your players?
Can you find something new about each player that you never knew before? By asking the question and being genuinely interested in the answer, you build another bridge to their thoughts and learning.
3. Can you increase the players activity time in training by 10%?
Over a 90 minute session, it is possible to make the players work for 9 minutes more than a normal session. How? First, cut in half the time you spend explaining and feeding back. Put the drills up on a board before the session. Feed back during the drill to individuals. Finish with a succinct round up and move on. Second, put all the water and kit centrally, so there is no need to go so far to fetch anything. Third allocate groupings before training starts. It might be several combinations, like groups of eight or pairs, or teams for the final game.
Do this and you will find 9 minutes of extra activity, if you are not doing this already!

Better Rugby Coaching

Rich Pickings from the Feast by David Clarke


A bumper rugby weekend on the international front, with matches in every corner of the world. Full tests in the Southern Hemisphere, an A team tournament, Under 20s World Cup, IRB Nations Cup and the Pacific Nations Cup. Chuck in some women’s sevens and you could easily have sat in front of the television all weekend and not ventured outside.


ELVs or not, there was plenty of scintillating rugby on show, and no sign that international games are turgid, or indeed one-sided affairs.


But we don’t just watch the games for “our team”. We want to take something away with us, a little titbit to take onto the training ground for next week.

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